Monday, October 26, 2015

Quick Little Update

Hello everybody! Just a quick up date this week.

Me and Elder Molina are basically the best of friends. We kicked it off great and are constantly laughing. He's super helpful in assisting me with Spanish, I just wish I was better so he didn't have to correct me so often! Haha 

The ward really is small (attendance this last Sunday was around 20), but I asked the branch president for a list of members so we now have a more organized list of who we can contact. We are going to work on contacting less actives and asking for references. We have been ask to contact 10 people every day, every missionary (20 per companionship), and it's really difficult. It may sound easy, but a lot of the people you pass in the street don't really want to stop and talk to you, let alone have you stop by their house! I was able to get my 10 contacts once this last week (I actually contacted 11 that day just saying), and we got one new investigator so it does work, it's just a matter of faith. 

So a fun fact for you all. Yesterday was elections for the people here in Argentina. I'm assuming Presidente Ayres was scared there'd be some sort of public manifestations out in the streets, so us missionaries were told we had to be in our apartments by 3 in the afternoon. Elders Danneman, Santos, Molina, and I spent the afternoon chilling and eating and talking. I love these elders, we all get along so stinking well. Fortunately nothing too major happened in the streets, aside from we heard a car do something. Really I don't know what happened but we ran up to the roof to investigate and were slightly disappointed because we couldn't see anything crazy exciting. But I feel as though it was unrelated to any public outcry =)

I'm in the Mission Christmas Choir! Have I said that yet? If so oops. But we are practicing for Christmas (obviously) and have various gigs reserved. =) Oh how I love to sing. It's so nice to take a break twice a week and head to San Fernando (where the mission office is) and do something that I love to do. We have some talented voices and it looks like it's going to be a fun concert.

Hope you all have a really fun Halloween! Don't get too fat and don't stay out too late! 
See you all soon enough.

Elder Hardcastle

Pics 1-3 Cooking and posing ft Arroz Chaufa 
(basically Peru's version of Asian Fried Rice)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Goodbye and Hello

A hearty wingapo to all my friends and family!

Wowzers two weeks of fun and festivities! So two weeks-ish ago we received a call that Elder Sousa might be training this next transfer. I was fairly certain I would be leaving Pilar, so yesterday we spent the day saying goodbye to my dear new friends and family I have made here. It was especially hard with the "A" family. Literally they are mi familia latina. Hermana "A" made me a cake because she knos well I am a fan of all things sweet, and we took pictures and said our last goodbyes for the time being. What is crazy amazing about this mission is the last Sunday in the transfer, President  and Sister Ayre put on a ´´despedida´´ (farewell) for those missionaries that will be headed home that next week, open to anyone that wants to come (there are requirements in order for missionaries to go... just hold up a sec). Elder Sousa and I went with some of our new members and it was so good! There're musical numbers, testimony of the missionaries that are going home, and short messages from the Ayres' and other stuff, and it's crazy crazy amazing.  In order for missionaries to go though, they need to bring one convert from that transfer or a progressing investigator, or be a part of a musical number, so we  already know I am going to look into that. =)  It's also an opportunity for missionaries to see their converts, so the plan is to meet up there with the "A's" this next transfer.

Well, transfer calls came yesterday and Elder Sousa is not going to train, he is going to be Lìder de Zona in PILAR 2!!! President Ayre received revelation that the new area of Zone Leaders in the Austral Zone should be in Pilar not in Derqui any more. 

So anywho, I was kicked out of the apartment and am now currently in the Zona Sarmiento, àrea de Los Polverines with mi compañero Elder Molina from Mèxico (and Canada, and USA). All is super well over here. This has the potential to be my best companionship yet. We are both slighty crazy and keep pulling faces at each other, and we are both fans of the Hunger Games (but I have started wondering how I used to like that book so much... it's pretty dark if you think about it). We live outside of our proselyting area in the area of San Miguel (this area is BEAUTIFUL), and we live with those elders there. One of them is Elder Danneman whom I already knew from my time in Austral, really I am cien por cien tranquilo over here. I hear that los Polverines is an area a bit difficult to work in (Branch of 30ish members), but if we work hard, we don't have reasons to fear. Trust God and go to work.

Things seem almost too nice right about now. I am scared this place will become my testing ground as a missionary, but until then I am as happy as a clam. As two clams, maybe even three. 

I hope you are all doing super well and remembering to be your best selves. Try a little harder every day to be a bit better, and by the end of this transfer let's track our progress, deal? deal.

I love hearing from you guys, thanks for all the letters and emails. Sorry if I don't write back all the time, Preparation days are crazy and really try to answer back, if I don't I am sorry. Just know I love you=)

All righty that's about it for this week, Paz Fuera and see you all soon enough!

Èlder Hardcastle

Welcome to San Miguel, 
view from our apartment 
(really I'm dying over this place)

Never escape the selfie 
(Me, Elder Molina, Elder Santos, Elder Danneman)

Saying goodbye to the "A" Family

Monday, October 12, 2015

There's not much time to write this week, so I'll spam you all with photos =)

There's not much time to write this week, so I'll spam you all with photos=)

1- Pilar 2 and Presidente Ayre, the coolest president of them all

2- Heaven on Earth. I bought a box of 40 Guaymallen Alfajores for 80 pesos (Around 8 USD) I shared with my Zone but still have 15 or so left

3- I made brownies this week and Elder Sousa and I ate them all within 24 hours

Pilar 2

The Baptism of the Familia "B"! 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Be Kind and Eat Cake